Friday, July 8, 2011

Made 4 U Designs - Inspired by God made by: Jeanray Barber

Who were you when you were a little girl or boy? Who did you want to become? What did your heart tell you? What made it pump blood resolutely? When life happens we sometimes forget about the early years, and end up pushing that which we desire aside...sometimes until later, sometimes for years.

It takes a kind of righteous bravery to hold on to your dreams dusting them off for a time that works for you - now. The following is Jeanray Barbers story, the story of a woman who waited 25 years to try again. Listen to what made her leave a great corporate job to follow her dreams, and how you can to.

I'm sitting here with Jeanray Barber, thank you very much for agreeing to an interview with JWritesiT.

Jeanray: Well thank you very much for allowing me to have an interview, I really appreciate it.

JWriteiT: Awesome, awesome, so tell us a little about yourself.

Jeanray: As a child I made and cut out patterns from newspapers, created original designs for my sister and I to wear to school. I also created crocheted vests, hats, and (hot pants) to wear and for sale.

Now I am coming out of Corporate America and I am moving into what I call - my calling. However, for 25 years I pushed creativity aside and moved into a very structured type job environment. Now I am moving into the more creative part of the gift that God has given me. So I am now actually able to do the sketching and the sewing, the knitting, textures and collages - all of that. For everything from a creative perspective that I have, that I never got to use for 25 years, I now have an opportunity to do it, and so it's a different place to be in. It's exciting, but scary at the same time, so it's like everyday is an adventure, I'm learning, I have different opportunities, I get to try it out. That's kind of what I want to say, I think that a lot of times people coming out of Corporate America tend to think if you don't have a "job title" that your career or your work life is basically over.

Money is different, obviously but its not the end all. You get paid...but its different. You have to budget differently and spend money differently, your whole way of operating changes. So I guess basically that is what I would want to say and so I am really going back to things that I am used to. Like I used to make wedding gowns - first of all I am a fashion designer, my degree is in fashion design.

JWritesiT: Where did you get your degree?

Jeanray: Hampton University.

JWrtitesiT: Ok

Jeanray: I graduated and almost immediately I started a career at AT&T.... I guess that was '83 until 2009. While there, I received my Masters degree in Human Resource Management and a certification in Global Management and Leadership. I try to bring all of that into what I am doing. From the human resources perspective I observe people's behavior, style and mannerisms, so when I enhance a design such as what I created for the artist Joy Beth, I considered Joy's personality, and I thought about what is it that could contribute, that would make her feel very confident when onstage. Similarly when it was Ahndraea's birthday, I thought of what design would make her feel beautiful and special. Whenever I am creating something....I try to use everything.

JWritesiT: Ok, and what would you say is your signature style? If you could think of your perfect client, who would that person be, what direction do you want your fashion to go in?

Jeanray: Hmmm...My style is very simplistic. So when style is simplistic it means you can add to it. Generally I will start with just a picture. A person comes to me and says they want something made, I then draw their body. That's what I do...I start with the body, I look at the body type and I think about what can I add to this, because to me...this is where all of my previous training comes in, ideas I have garnered from a human and global stand point. When you're thinking about diversity; diversity means that you're starting off with a blank sheet and you're letting that person be whoever they are. When they are giving me information about what they want I'm very open to what it is that makes this person who they are. The signature then is "Made 4 U". The person is who you should see when I create something for someone. You should NOT see me, you should SEE whoever that person is.

So I'm looking for people who have a good idea of who they are. If you don't know who you are that's when the Human Resource's training kicks in, and I have to coach the person into identifying their unique preferences.

JWritesit: Ok, So the name of your company is: "Made 4 U"?

Jeanray: Yes it is. When I am knitting it is "The Paired Connexion". When I am repairing it's "4 Minor Alterations" and when I am designing it is "Made 4 U". I have so many different aspects, I have a name for each little component, so depending on the customers needs; will determine which component is used.

JWritesiT: You knit, you sew, and you create custom made designs for clientele....

Jeanray: Yes I do. I also enhance garments, so lets say for instance you have something old
JWritesiT: Ok

Jeanray: (cont'd) And you still want to wear it, but you don't like the way it looks now. Again you have to know who you are. When you talk to me about who you are, then I can change that for you. It would look totally different, it would never look the way it did initially.
JWritesit: Excellent! Well I recently conducted an interview with photographer Cali | York, one of the questions that I asked her because like you she has also recently left Corporate America, I asked her "what is your timeline" Do you have a timeline, if your company does not perform the way you want it to, is there a chance that you will re-enter Corporate America if so why, if not why not?

Jeanray: As far as a "timeline" hmm one of the things that I have learned is that whenever you are going into something new you're are on a learning curve. A learning curve for me is 6 months. Now to establish yourself as an Entrepreneur and build your clientele; I'd estimate a timeline of a year to a year and a half. So I'm in 2011 now, I'd say probably the end of 2012. I would want to look back and ask myself, whether I have accomplished all that I set out to accomplish. Am I moving in the direction I am supposed to be moving in? If not what should I be doing now? When I first started this endeavor, one of the things that I did was I pray about what it was that the Lord wanted me to do. Because for 25 years it was very clear cut - go to AT&T and work. (Laughing) And get your promotions and move up....all of that.

Now, I am employed by Him (The Lord), and I go to Him and I ask Him what it is that I am supposed to do. So I really feel like I am on the path that I am supposed to be on. What I have to make sure that I am NOT doing, is living like I am still in Corporate America. That means spending as if you have a paycheck coming every 2 weeks. When you are working for yourself the pay is different. When I find myself with financial issues I stop myself and first I ask for forgiveness because apparently I have forgotten where I am, (Laughing) and then I ask Him to help me get back on track....its a learning curve. The 6 months is learning how to be an Entrepreneur, coming out of Corporate America and learning how to live within the means and guidelines. He has set up for me. Which is why everyday is a new opportunity for me. Every morning I start over again. He will bless your effort and He will actually tell you, what you're supposed to do with your hands for example. I find all the scriptures that talk about working with your hands, because that's what I am doing at this point. These are the things I remind myself of everyday. Then I ask Him to direct me to who my customers are. Some clients are for the purpose of getting your name out there, and some customers are supposed to be pouring into what you are doing financially. Everybody is not the same. I should be clear about who is who. Therefore, I cannot do this without Him.

I expect to be successful, I do not expect to go back to Corporate America - EVER, I think 25 years was long enough (Laughing)

JWritesiT: You are giving everyone reading this priceless information, thank you! Where do you see your company 5 years from now, where would you like to be?

Jeanray: Actually I like the flexibility of travel. I love traveling. I want to be in a place where I am commissioned. I like the thought of being commissioned. I like the thought of a person calling me and saying "can you come here?" the client spending a day or two with me just to see who I am and then creating that unique item for that particular client. I see myself moving around. I see myself being able to share this gift that God has given me with people all over, and not just here in America; but Globally. I had to get that Global certification for a reason. Everything that He has given me I am using. I see a name that people will know within the industry, when something uniquely made is needed

JWritesiT: What is the turn around time for your work?

Jeanray: I would have to say the maximum, starting from scratch is going to be 2-3 weeks. You have to include fitting and sketching so 2 - 3 weeks. The artist Joy Beth had a situation where it was a dress she had and she wanted it to be enhanced. In that case it can be done in 2 depends on what the person is asking for. Minimum 2 days the Max 2-3 weeks.

JWritesiT: For the person who is today sitting in a cubicle daydreaming about a career in fashion and truly wants to make the leap, what would you say are some of the key things he or she would need to know before they leap?

Jeanray: Today you are not limited, there are no limits to it so if you do not put yourself in a box you can really do whatever. Get a feel for what it is you want to do....fashionably speaking. Next, wear your stuff and if you don't wear it, get a model that will. When I think about Joy Beth and

other people I have designed for.....These are my models. I may not be able to wear some of the outfits, that I've created, but they can and then look hot! (Laughing) They are representing me.

One of the things I would say is, fashion as its been depicted today is different from when I graduated from college first of all. When I graduated you sort of had to get with a couture house, or find someone to take you under their wing, you had to work for that designer for years and at some point establish yourself and gain a reputation, then you got a chance to hopefully open up your own boutique.

JWritesiT: Do you have anything upcoming? Anything you are working on right now?

Jeanray: Actually a lot of knitting because the L.I.W.I. W.I.V.E.S. Hooked up on Knit Together in Love Project kicks off in July. I also have commissioned projects for July-Sept for various performing artists and so I have about 4 or 5 different things that I am working on at one time.

JWritesiT: I have to ask you one more question, how does God figure into your work?

Jeanray: I am so glad you asked that because stepping out of the corporate world into an entrepreneurial venture, means that you are literally operating in faith. If you do not believe in God and you do not believe in yourself and your abilities you cannot have any confidence in what you are about to do. You will not succeed because basically whatever you exactly what happens. My faith plays a major part in my endeavor, because when I reached my 25th year with AT&T I said, Lord I thank you for these years. I basically started AT&T, had my daughter Adriene worked there through that entire period. She went through high school and graduated from college. Now she is on her own and that piece of my life is complete.

I thanked Him for the 25 years and asked Him...Lord what do you want me to do? Part of it is learning how to walk with Him. We say we have faith, we say we believe God, and we say that we trust Him, but you really don't until you have to. I start out with Him everyday, I invite the holy spirit in, because all power comes from Him, the anointing comes from Him. When I knit I ask, what do you see this yarn being and then I start knitting.  

JWritesiT: Thank You Jeanray for your wisdom and insight! I wish you much success in embarking on your latest endeavor - Phase II of life has begun. I urge all of my readers to take a look at the work Jeanray has done, she is truly gifted.

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