I felt compelled to write this, as I began to think thoughts that were geared towards how magic is traditionally defined, and how we are all magicians in real life. I'll start by defining the term, the dictionary defines magic as -"an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source".
Think about that for a second - "extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source", dissecting this sentence, i'll take it apart like this: what is more extraordinary than the fact that we are here? You are reading this and I have written it. You will think about it and it will manifest in some way....will it start a conversation? Will you decide that what you've read is garbage and link off to another page on the internet somewhere? Whatever the cause the effect was what you read, that I thought up.
I am beginning to realize that what we think if turned into a strong enough belief, will manifest itself as ability, that ability will compel us to move in a certain direction - directed towards that belief, we will work hard, we will be focused, we will recognize opportunity and that thing that started off as a thought and idea will manifest itself in reality, in the reality of the thinker.
Here's a little exercise: think of something you want (a new job, a promotion, to start your own business) then begin to utilize your abilities, your time and patience to get it and do not be swayed....work at it, become it, I'm pretty sure that what started off as an idea and thought, will come true.
Does that make you a magician? No, not in the traditional sense, but did you use your extraordinary power or influence (your mind and ability) to pull from a supernatural force (the universe) to manifest that idea into your reality?
If the answer to that question is yes, then I believe you have performed a form of magic.