The spirit and heart of music is alive in the hearts and minds of Blue Meadow; an all African - American rock band, new to hit the music scene.
Two of the members are high-school friends, one of which traveled the globe with a successful band before forming Blue Meadow.
Blue Meadow's music is smooth as silk and intoxicating, the vocals are melodic and sultry the right ingredients for the rock elements.
The following is an Interview with Jamal Reed (Vocalist / Guitar) of Blue Meadow:
JWritesiT: How did Blue Meadow get together?
Jamal: Blue Meadow got together last year in NYC, when I wanted to take the group thing (which all of us had done before) and take it to another level. Putting the qualities of a group and a band together and creating a whole different monster.
JWritesiT: Who are the members of Blue Meadow and what instruments do they play?
Jamal: The members are Densen Curwen-lead guitar/vocalist, Dexter Lendor-Drummer/vocalist, Joedy Imbert-rythym guitar/vocalist, and Jamal Reed-bass guitar/vocalist
JWritesiT: How does Blue Meadow differ from other bands?
Jamal: We consider ourselves different from other bands in several different ways. First of all were an all african american rock band, which is somewhat rare. We've been highly influenced by rock and roll and we would like to express ourselves using the tool of rock and roll. Secondly we ALL sing. Everyone is capable of singing lead and we all do. Often times people get surprised when our drummer takes the lead. Most rock bands the lead is usually one person and usually the rythym guitar. This band is different we all do and I (Jamal/bass guitarist) gets as many leads as does the drummer)
Third difference is we incorporate intricate harmony. I'm a big lover of harmony and sang acapella for a large portion of my life love it and we implement it. We all sang acapella at one point in our lives. Joedy and I even sang acapella together prior to blue meadow. Fourth and just as important as the other three. We want to string together influential, powerful, and positive music. We would like to debunk the stereotype that the things that sell are the negative influences. We can support art, love, responsibility, learning, and still be popular.
JWritesiT: What are the Best and Worst aspects of being part of a group?
Jamal: The Best aspect of being in a group is support. Our main goal is to support each other and moving as a team full steam ahead. 4 eyes and ears are always better than 2 and our listeners get more diversity.
Probably the Worst aspect is sometimes getting on the same page. Being in a group we have to get on the same page and push ahead. Its like a body with different parts acting individually. The body would have a hard time moving forward if the feet wanted to walk backward and the chest wanted to move forward.
JWritesiT: How did you come up with the name Blue Meadow?
Jamal: It wasn't as complex is it can sound. The color blue is the color of change, peace, and tranquility, and meadow is an open place where all are invited. We like to consider the band as a place where people can come and they can feel apart and feel peace, feel like no one is going to harm them, almost like another world different from the potentially not nice one we live in.
JWritesiT: Who are your influences?
Jamal: Blue Meadows influences range from the Beatles, Take 6, Boys II Men, Coldplay, Phil Collins, Paul Simon, Stevie Wonder, Lady Antebellum, people who paved the way into pop culture who wouldn't normally get into because of their genre or make up.
JWritesiT: What keeps you grounded?
Jamal: Were kept humble knowing that in the music business or any other business; there are always going to be people that are more talented than you are. Its your spirit and your hard work that get you to the next level.
JWritesiT: Are you pursuing music Full time?
Jamal: Were pursuing doing music full-time if the opportunity presents itself. We will not turn down the opportunity to present our music to the world. Were definitely chasing it to an extent
JWritesiT: What is next on the Horizon for Blue Meadow?
Jamal: Next for blue meadow is trying to find a medium or mediums to take our music/message/likeness to more people. Whether it be in the form of performing live or whether it be via radio. Both options w are looking into. On top of making Blue Meadow a name recognized in NYC.
JWritesiT: How can we find more information on Blue Meadow?
Jamal: We have a splash page that takes people to everything we have.
It has our myspace, FaceBook, iTunes, Reverbnation, and our Youtube so a person can check us out everywhere!
Thank you Jamal I love Blue Meadow's sound and I cannot wait to see your up coming performance.
If YOU would like to learn more about Blue Meadow or catch one of thier live performances please check: for updates or contact me:
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